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Minnesota GO

Performance Dashboard

Healthy Communities


Wildflower growing in MnDOT right of way along side a highway

Per Capita Vehicle Miles Traveled

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Why are MnDOT Environmental Initiatives Important?


Minnesota's environment is changing, and transportation impacts the state's air, water, plant and animal resources. For example, there is a very high likelihood of heavier precipitation and more flooding in the next 20 years. Heavy precipitation and flooding can disrupt traffic, delay construction activities, and weaken or wash out soil and culverts that support the roads, tunnels, and bridges we depend upon.

MnDOT is studying these effects on environmental quality on an ongoing basis, implementing improvements through several environmental initiatives on an on-going basis. Efforts touch upon a variety of MnDOT activities, from facilities and fleet management, to highway operations, roadside management, construction, and planning and design.

Find more information within the "Learn More" section below.

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