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Minnesota GO

Performance Dashboard

Critical Connections


Car traveling through tunnel

Average Annual Number of Jobs Accessible Within a 30-Minute Drive During AM Peak

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Why is the Average Annual Number of Jobs Accessible Within a 30-Minute Drive During AM Peak Important?


Deciding whether to accept a job or what jobs are available to an individual are influenced by several factors such as the cost of housing and the availability and cost of transportation. There are instances in Minnesota where there is a mismatch between where workers live and where jobs are available. Expanded transit service, shuttle service, carpools and telecommuting are some tools that can make jobs more accessible.

As the major population and economic center in the state, the efficient movement of goods and people into and throughout the Twin Cities is critical to the state's overall economy and quality of life. Delays in the Twin Cities metro area can cause delays in the state's overall transportation network. For example an intercity bus or semi that is delayed in the Twin Cities will arrive late to its next destination, which may cause additional delays at other stops. Improving system efficiency and providing bottleneck relief in the Twin Cities has statewide benefits. Multimodal options, including transit, bicycling and walking are important contributors to the efficient movement of people throughout the region. The Metropolitan Council identified active traffic management, the development of the MnPASS Express Lane system and the expansion of the metropolitan area transit system as the primary focus areas for reducing congestion and improving safety.